• « Raccommoder le tissu du monde », Rencontres Bandits-Mages, Bourges, 15 novembre – 2 décembre 2018
commissariat Annick Bureaud
Plus de photos ici – Texte d’introduction en français ici – Introductory text in english here

Vue d’ensemble. « Faster Than Light », Kentaro Kumanomido & Thomas Anthony Owen ; « ArchaeaBot », Anna Dumitriu & Alex May ; « Bottled Songs of Lost Children », Chloé Galibert-Laîné & Kevin B. Lee (photo A. Bureaud)

Vue d’ensemble. « aqua_forensic » de Robertina Sebjanič et Gjino Sutić, 2018 et « Mobile lab suit cases :::: Malepin BIOtransLab » de Paula Pin (photo Capucine Lageat & Antoine Perroteau)
• Neotenous Dark Dwellers, Lygophilia, Robertina Sebjanic, Osmo/za, Ljubljana, 31 août – 2 septembre 2018
curated by Annick Bureaud
Lygophilia weaves together mythologies and sciences, history and future, fears and desires, continents, cultures, humans and non-humans. Lygophilia folds and unfolds the stories carried by those fascinating creatures that are the Mexican Axolotl and the Slovene Proteus.
From immortality to regenerative medicine — both animals are, as adults, in a state of “eternal youth” (neoteny) showing extraordinary longevity and regenerative abilities that put them at the centre of ancient myths as well as current cutting-edge scientific researches.
Ironically, Axolotls and Proteus are endangered species in their natural environment. Both have found habitats in very specific and located places, in the swamps of the lakes around the City of Mexico for one and in Europe in Dinaric karst caves for the other, showing an example of parallel evolution, endemicm and adaptation to narrow and extreme niches.
Hiding from the sun and daylight both are in love with darkness, lygophilia (from the Greek lúgē and philéō).
With cabinets that evoke the old natural history museums displays as well as the scientific labs glove boxes or the maternity incubators, through objects, texts, videos and paraphernalia, playing with a crossed mirrored approach where each element, each story, each animal is echoing, reflecting but also diffracting and counteracting the other, Šebjanič invites us to a journey into our cultural gaze and its evolution. Lygophilia offers the visitors to gain a more profound view of interspecies cohabitation in the contemporary world for a common future.
Panel discussion on 31st of August
Speakers: Carlos Pascual (writer), Gregor Aljančič and Magdalena Năpăruș-Aljančič (Tular Cave Laboratory – Jamski laboratorij Tular), Robertina Šebjanič (artist), Annick Bureaud (curator and art critic, director Leonardo/Olats).The panel discussion and exhibition is part of the Mladi levi festival.
* Lygophilia is a series of research-based artworks initiated in 2017 by Robertina Šebjanič in Mexico and pursued in Slovenia to explore the love (Gr.: philéō) of darkness (Gr.: lúgē) and the unknown dwellers in places inhospitable for humans.
Production: Projekt Atol (Uroš Veber), Slovenia, 2018 & Arte+Ciencia (UNAM), Mexico 2017; Sektor Institute, Slovenia 2017 / 2018 – http://www.projekt-atol.si/project/neotenous-dark-dwellers-lygophilia/
Production support: Ministry of Culture of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana
Special thanks to: Aisen Caro Chacin, Miha Godec, Roman B., Peter Kolobarić, Rampa Lab, Osmo/za Consortium, Bunker team, Tular Cave Laboratory
• Salon de l’Astronautique de Plaisance, Halles de Schaerbeek, Bruxelles, 19-21 juin 2015
Participation à la programmation en collaboration avec le collectif Nunc.
Artistes : Lawrence Malstaf, Antal Lakner, Kitsou Dubois, Ayako Ono et Agnes Meyer-Brandis.
• Meet To Delete!, The Weight of Information, Julian Priest
Evénement-performance organisé à la Galerie Up à Bruxelles, le 26 avril 2014 en collaboration avec Clarisse Bardiot dans le cadre du projet The Weight of Information de Julian Priest.
• Tales of a Sea Cow, Etienne de France
Commissariat de l’exposition au Parco Arte Vivente, Turin, Italie, 29 mars-24 juin 2012
Essai « Tales of a Sea Cow, un conte de science fabulatoire », texte en français
Essai « Tales of a Sea Cow, A Fabulatory Science Story »,text in English
Plus de photos / More pictures here
• (In)Habitable ? L’art des environnements extrêmes – (Un)Inhabitable? Art of Extreme Environments
Festival @rt Outsiders, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, 9 septembre -11 octobre 2009, Co-commissariats / Co-curators : Annick Bureaud & Jean-Luc Soret
Artistes : Howard Boland & Laura Cinti – Anne Brodie – Peter Cusack – Stephen Eastaugh – Shiro Matsui – Connie Mendoza – Forrest Myers, John Chamberlain, David Novros, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol – Hu Jie Ming – Lucy + Jorge Orta – Bradley Pitts – Andrea Polli – Catherine Rannou – Ana Rewakowicz – Yang Yi
Catalogue Festival @rt Outsiders 2009, Introduction : Louis Bec
• Drancyberculture
Drancy, 6 – 25 novembre 1996, Co-commissariat / Co-curator : Joël Boutteville
6 CD-ROM d’artistes : Michaël Gaumnitz & Bertrand Merino Peris, Troy Innocent, Mariane Petit, François Coulon, George Legrady, Derek Richards.
• Espaces Interactifs – Europe
Pavillon de Bercy, Paris, 7 mai – 9 juin 1996, Co-commissariats / Co-curators : Annick Bureaud & Joël Boutteville
Œuvres de 9 artistes ou groupes d’artistes européens sur CD-ROM, Internet et disquette. Première exposition en France de créations artistiques sur CD-ROM. Catalogue, introduction : Roger Malina
Nine european artists or group of artists with artworks on CD-ROM and Internet. First exhibition in France of artworks on cd-roms. Catalogue, introduction: Roger Malina
– KP Ludwig John, Stephan Eichhorn, Michael Touma, Tjark Ihmels (Allemagne/Germany), Die Veteranen, cd-rom
– Richard Kriesche (Autriche/Austria), Sphären der Kunst, cd-rom & Internet
– John Vink (Belgique/Belgium), Camps de réfugiés, cd-rom
– Muntadas (Espagne/Spain), The File Room, installation & Internet
– Philippe Bootz (France), Passage (Poème à lecture unique), poésie numérique/Digital poetry
– Dutey J. (France), Les mots et les images, poésie numérique/ Digital poetry
– Nil Yalter, David Apikian, Nicole Croiset (France), Pixelismus, cd-rom
– Harwood (Royaume-Uni/UK), Rehearsal of Memory, cd-rom
– Piero Gilardi (Italie/Italy), Rochers interactifs, installation sonore interactive/Interactive sound installation
• ICONO – La Cité des Images
Grand-Hornu, Belgique, 6 – 16 octobre 1994, Co-commissariats / Co-curators : Annick Bureaud & Joël Boutteville
Incluant 3 installations de Miguel Chevalier, Joseph Nechvatal et Jill Scott ainsi qu’un programme de bandes vidéo de onze artistes internationaux.
Included 3 installations by Miguel Chevalier, Joseph Nechvatal and Jill Scott and a video screening pogramme by 11 international artists.
• Inherent Rights, Vision Rights, Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun
Services Culturels de l’Ambassade du Canada, Paris, 25 mai – 19 juin 1993, Co-commissariats / Co-curators : Annick Bureaud & Joël Boutteville
Incluant l’œuvre de réalité virtuelle donnant son titre à l’exposition et des peintures. Première exposition en France d’une œuvre artistique en réalité virtuelle. Catalogue, préface : Erkki Huhtamo
Included the Virtual Reality artwork that gave the show its title together with drawings and paintings. First exhibition in France of a VR artwork. Catalogue, foreword : Erkki Huhta
• Digital Photography
Palais de Tokyo, Centre National de la Photographie, Paris, 22 octobre 1992 – 4 janvier 1993, Co-commissariats / Co-curators : Annick Bureaud & Joël Boutteville
Première exposition en France de photographies numériques incluant des oeuvres des artistes Paul Berger, Carol Flax, Manual (Suzanne Bloom et Ed Hill) et Esther Parada. Catalogue, préface : Roy Ascott
Exposition reprise au Musée Granet et au Pavillon Vendôme dans le cadre de la manifestation « L’image réinventée » organisée en 1994 par l’Ecole d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence.
First exhibition in France of digital photographies, included works from Paul Berger, Carol Flax, Manual (Suzanne Bloom et Ed Hill) and Esther Parada. Catalogue, foreword: Roy Ascott
Exhibition travelled to Aix-en-Provence (Musée Granet and Pavillion Vendôme) in 1994, in the framework of the event « The Reinvented Image », organised by the Aix-en-Provence Art School.