Inhabiting the Extreme or Making Antarctica Familiar

Le livre Farfield. Digital Culture, Climate Change, and the Poles, sous la direction de Jane Marshing & Andrea Polli publié par Intellect (Bristol, UK/Chicago, USA) vient de paraître en ce début d’année 2012 avec mon article :  « Inhabiting the Extreme or Making Antarctica Familiar ».

The book Farfield. Digital Culture, Climate Change and the Poles, edited by Jane Marshing & Andrea Polli has been released this January 2012 by Intellect (Bristol, UK/Chicago, USA) with my article: « Inhabiting the Extreme or Making Antarctica Familiar ».

Le sommaire est vraiment alléchant. / Table of Content below

- Introduction, Jane D. Marshing and Andrea Polli

- Every New Thing: The Evolution of Artistic Technologies in the Antarctic – or How Land Arts Came to the Ice, William L. Fox

- Magnets of the Fantastic: The North Pole Observed, Jane D. Marshing

- Pages from the Book of the Unknown Explorer, Judit Hersko

- Antarctic Diaries » (Excerpts), Simon Faithfull

- Ground Truth (Focus: The Antarctic Dry Valleys), Andrea Polli

- London Fieldworks: Polaria Fieldwork and Installation, Jo Joelson and Bruce Gilchrist

- Disappearing Ice and Missing Data: Climate Change in the Visual Culture of the Polar Regions, Lisa E. Bloom and Elena Glasberg

- Between Ecotopia and Ecotage: Polar Media, Peter Krapp

- Nonorganic Life: Frequency, Virtuality and the Sublime in Antarctica, Susan Ballard

- Inhabiting the Extreme or Making Antarctica Familiar, Annick Bureaud

- Voices, Lines, Cracks and Data-Sets: Formations of a New « Idea of the Canadian North », Leslie Sharpe

- Airspace (Focus: McMurdo Station, Antarctica), Andrea Polli

- Systemness: Towards a Data Aesthetics of Climate Change, Tom Corby

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