« Neotenous Dark Dwellers – Lygophilia », hypertext video

IMG_20191205_124759On December 5th 2019, I had the great pleasure to launch the video capsule about Robertina Šebjanič’s Neotenous Dark Dwellers artwork, in the framework of the « Aquatic Twillight » exhibition that is presenting the whole series of works belonging to the artist Lygophilia project at the Galerija Tobačna in Ljubljana.

Based on the MemoRekall app, this video capsule is proposing a new online publication format in which various texts and documents are contextualising the artwork as the video rolls.

The « table of content » of the texts is appearing on a right side column as the video progresses. When one is selected a window opens that allows to read the text by clicking on the thumb nail image on the left side of the window.






The video capsule includes texts by Polona Tratnik, María Antonia González Valerio, Gregor Aljančič and Magdalena Năpăruş Aljančič and myself.

Ce contenu a été publié dans Annick's News, Art-Science, Art-Science, CCP/Creating Curating Publishing, CCP/Creating, Curating, Publishing, Environmental Art, Livres/Books, avec comme mot(s)-clé(s) , , , , , , . Vous pouvez le mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.